

My passion for inspiring others to take action on their dreams, has seen me being invited on stages and workshops, sharing my unique life story and motivating others to take a step outside their comfort zone. My unwavering belief that we can achieve a lot more that we give ourselves credit for is contagious and my audience always feels empowered.

I have been a speaker at TEDxNicosia, AIPFE’s-Women of Europe Incredible Women series, CYTA-Vodafone’s Shots of Inspiration series, AIPFE’s and EY-Cyprus’s Women Fit For Business programme for unemployed young women.

I visit multiple local schools, giving inspiring talks to youth, like the American Academy in Larnaca, The English School in Lefkosia, MedHigh School in Larnaca, and The Junior and Senior School in Lefkosia.

I speak at workshops with small teams helping people work through their barriers and take action, like a group of Enterprise and Innovation students at the University of Nicosia,  the teenage workshop “Young Future Leaders,” and “Women’s Health Weekend,” organised by the campaign Cyprus Girls Can.

To book me as a speaker or trainer, contact me with your event's details and dates, and we can begin the conversation on how to collaborate.


"A dynamic, energetic and engaging speaker, CYTA (Cyprus Telecommunications authority) was grateful to have Dr Memnia Theodorou on the stage, for our 5th “Shots of Inspiration” seminar. As a dynamic keynote speaker her presentation captured the audience's imagination and attention, that allowed the participants to think how they can put Dr Theodorou experiences, into practice. Her passion for the subject combined with her natural exuberance and experience as a speaker, kept the audience fully engaged in her powerful, interactive presentation, that was surely the highlight of the event."
- Christos Christou, Head of Innovation and Idea Development Centre at Cyta

  • "What stayed with me at the end was the admiration of Memnia's strength. I now have a new benchmark for accomplishment."
    — George Kalisperides
  • "Truly aspiring, thank you Memnia for your time and to students for being so receptive. It was our honour for our school to have you as a speaker."
    — Demos Kaoullas



"Memnia is an inspirational and determined young woman, who left our audience in tears. We felt proud to host her talk, it was well-researched, well-rehearsed and well-delivered, above all, it came straight from the heart. Memnia is an excellent speaker, who speaks from experience and delivers a message of hope in the face of adversity, straight from the heart. The audience could identify with this message and was at times brought to tears. The message was raw but real. Highly recommended as a public speaker."
- Anna Koukkides Prokopiou, President of AIPFE Cyprus - Women Of Europe

  • "Inspiration! How rare to have this in our days... Her warmth, strength and positive spirit can lift anyone up and out of their chair to go out and pursue their goals. Invite her asap!"
    — Alexia Panayiotou
  • "Very fresh, a unique experience that was evidently the result of boldness, strength, resilience and a great wish to step into the unknown and allow oneself to experience what that would bring along. Totally inspiring!"
    — Marlene Philippou



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